
We are always looking for volunteers who are passionate about art education and want to make a difference in the lives of children. If you are interested in volunteering with us, please get in touch with us through this form!

We offer PVSA!

Looking For a Treasurer!

We are looking for a treasurer that is motivated and dedicated to achieving our cause. If you are interested in applying, please read the attached document with application instructions!

Create a Chapter

Do you want to start your own Artify Chapter? Please fill out the chapter form, and we will advise and support you throughout the process of launching it while providing starting support. Be ready to show us a plan or agenda of your idea and be a leader of the entire chapter!

Chapter guidelines

Join Our Team

Do you want to be more involved? Would you rather work behind the scenes in our social media, design, or website team? Apply to be on our team alongside regular volunteer times. We will contact you shortly!


Your donations will help us to continue providing art education to underserved children in the Bay Area. You can donate online or get in touch with us to learn more about other ways to support our cause.

Video Lesson

If you don't live in the area or if you don't have time to go in person but you still want to spread art education, we have the option of contributing through video lessons. Record a short 10-15 minute video about your favorite art project/technique that will help kids anywhere.